Introduction to the project

This Project is focused on developing a Simulator on CDMA concept by considering CDMA2000 1X network system specially.This is a project ,which is a partial requirement for the completion of BSC.Computer Systems & Networking degree offered by the Curtin University Australia.With this simulator there is an exploration software which explains about the CDMA concepts related to the CDMA2000 1x system.By using the exploration software the project team explains about the CDMA concepts in a theoretical manner.
By using the simulator the project team tries to simulate the practical approach in CDMA2000 1x network system.For this project the project team specially concerns about the VOICE Services flowing in CDMA2000 1x network.So the users will be able to simulate those services and specially the user can troubleshoot when there is a problem on the system.So it can be a training for the users.Because before doing something to the actual products the user can have the basic ideas on service flowing and troubleshooting approach.

New Interface

New Interface

New Interface Analyzer

New Interface Analyzer

The air interface of CDMA2000 1x

The air interface of CDMA2000 1x

The first interface of the simulator

The first interface of the simulator

Monday, May 17, 2010

From today onwards the process of creating the CDMA Simulation software & Exploration is started.I hope we will have some comments about this project to do this project successfully.

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